Taking control of our own trades promotion

London Taxi PR presents The St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel with Poppy Cabs certificate of Thanks

London Taxi PR (LTPR), an organisation which represents and promotes the interests of the Licensed...

London Taxi PR visits Taxi Academy Knowledge school

London Taxi PR (LTPR), an organisation which represents and promotes the interests of the Licensed...

Knowledge grassroots football campaigns

London Taxi PR (LTPR), an organisation which represents and promotes the interests of the Licensed...

Cabmen’s Shelter Fund – London Taxi PR assist Historic England documentary team

In February this year (2024), London Taxi PR were approached by a film team from Bonfire Films who...

After our prime ministers speech in support of a certain non tax paying, American private hire company, If ever our trade needed to take control of the things we can control it is now. Our own advertising & app are two positive steps in building a positive future. We need to advertise our service everywhere. LondonTaxiPR have the platform to do this. We just need the support of the drivers & trade businesses to produce regular campaigns. The more that support and contribute monthly the bigger & better the campaigns can be. The best thing about this is that it is under our control what we produce in promoting our trade. We don’t have to go to others to seek approval or have it stopped cos it doesn’t comply with what they( our regulator & govt ) want ! We can promote the greatest Taxi service in the world by ourselves, & through our own trades support can dominate the London landscape with our adverts & campaigns. Just think how good that would be to see that all across London. It can be done. Here’s why. 24000 cabbies paying a choice of just £2,£5 or £10 per month brings us an huge budget to use in promoting our trade.

Not only the drivers paying in, but taxi businesses like garages, insurances etc can also support LTPR with a monthly contribution. We are all in this together as 1 trade. We all need each other. It’s time we all looked to look after the future of all our livelihoods and the longevity of our great profession. We have an army of drivers that can make a difference, let’s start to do this and have it under the control of our trade. Go to londontaxipr.com/donate to sign up to 1 of the 3 options available. This is a an opportunity to really take control of something for once in our trade where we don’t have to answer to others. Thank you & Be lucky !