About London Taxi PR

What Are Our Plans?

Our plans, are to implement ideas for trade advertising campaigns in & around London, promoting the advantages, benefits & safety of using our iconic service, to the general public & all visitors to our great city.

How Will We Fund This?

For all future promotions & advertising campaigns we aim to approach all members from within the profession, businesses and drivers, to ask them to make contributions to our PR fund & re-invest back into the trade that has brought them their very own business, like Taxi garages, eateries, manufacturers, Taxi media companies etc. We also hope, that with the help & support of you the drivers, also making contributions into a fully transparent PR fund we can achieve our plans. The more that can contribute, then the bigger & the better the promotional advertising campaigns can be.

For example if 3,000 drivers contributed each month we could have continual advertising campaigns on London’s streets all year round. There are 3 payment options available to choose from to contribute via monthly DD, plus a £50 Business link option on our donate page. There is also a one off donation option via the PayPal button at the bottom of this page.


All Contributions Are 100% Tax Deductible!

London Taxi PR links up with Virgin Atlantic

February 2023 London Taxi PR (LTPR), an organisation which represents the interests of the Licensed London Taxi...

London Taxi PR Launches largest ever campaign to promote the Knowledge

London Taxi PR (LTPR), an organisation which represents the interests of the Licensed London Taxi profession, has...

Orange Taxi Remembrance Ribbons initiative results

Our Orange Taxi Remembrance Ribbons initiative raised £1,200 which is being split equally between the respective Taxi...

December 2021 – January 2022 – Christmas and New Year social media campaign – You can drink but let us drive.

Our latest social media campaign which ran across Christmas and New Year, with the slogan -  ‘You can drink but...

The London Taxi PR Team

Lee Shepard

Lee Shepard


Lee is extremely passionate about the London Taxi trade & proud of it’s 366 year tradition of great service & standards.

He started London Taxi PR in March 2015 with the goal of bringing positive PR & advertising to the London Taxi trade.

Andy Scott

Andy Scott

PR & Comms.

Andy has been in PR for 18 years & as a journalist for 10 years prior, working with a wide variety of clients across a variety of industry sectors.

He has been working with London Taxi PR since 2018 & is a Freeman of the WCHCD & the City of London.

Support London Taxi PR

To contribute towards our campaign fund via PayPal, please click on the donate button below or go to our DONATE PAGE for other options of monthly DDs.