London Taxi PR presents The St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel with Poppy Cabs certificate of Thanks

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London Taxi PR (LTPR), an organisation which represents and promotes the interests of the Licensed London Taxi profession, has presented staff at the St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel with a certificate of recognition for all of their help and assistance on behalf of the charitable initiative, Poppy Cabs.

The visit by Andy Scott, PR and Communications spokesperson for London Taxi PR, was made to The St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel on 12th December. Andy, being a member of the Poppy Cabs committee, presented two members of The hotel’s team, Director of Food & Beverage, Elias Yiallouris, and Hansom Lounge Manager, Alexander Kovac, with a certificate of Thanks from Poppy Cabs for their sterling efforts and help in providing the meeting space at The Hansom Lounge venue, plus parking and refreshments for the drivers and marshals for their briefing meeting held on the morning of Remembrance Sunday.

“The presentation of the certificate was to show our appreciation for General Manager Ed White and his team, including Elias, Alexander and also Director of Groups and Event Management, Jade Kerr, who not only looked after us but helped ensure that the morning briefing went smoothly and we had adequate space and refreshments for all those who were in attendance,” Andy stated.

Through his connection with Ed and his team at The St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel, when Poppy Cabs lost the meeting venue of Great Suffolk Street two years ago, Andy approached Ed and the Renaissance to see if the facility might be able to accommodate Poppy Cabs.

“Ed was most willing to help and has been a delight to work with. He was especially keen to work with us given the venue’s historic connection to the London Taxi profession with The Hansom Lounge, which is named after the Hansom Cabs (the predecessors to Hackney Carriages, London Taxis) that would pull up on the cobbled driveway into the station to drop-off and pick up passengers,” said Andy. The cobbles are still visible and form part of the flooring at this fantastic location.

Poppy Cabs celebrated its 15th anniversary this year of providing free transport for military veterans and their families to and from the cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday, as well as taking veterans on other visits to the war memorials and respective commemorative events in the UK, France and Belgium. Drivers and Marshals volunteer to provide their services free of charge on all these occasions, which the profession has been proud to provide in recognition of the veterans service.

Since their formation, London Taxi PR has undertaken a series of targeted media campaigns, which are being used to promote the benefits, advantages, and safety of using the iconic licensed London Taxi service to a wide audience.

All the campaigns and publicity that has so far been generated by the company has been funded by fellow London Taxi drivers and businesses within the profession, many of whom have signed up to donate to the cause on a monthly basis, indicating how passionate they all are about their industry and the cause.

London Taxi PR. Passionate about promoting and preserving the iconic London Taxi trade and funded by London Taxi drivers and businesses who care about their industry.

For more information on London Taxi PR and their campaigns, plus details on how to become either an individual or a business supporter, please visit their website

For information about the St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel and The Hansom venue, visit their website at: